Project Selection - Magazine

Aspects of print journalism that interest me based on what we've learned in class:

(Nixon, All the President's Men, Newsroom, Magazine Analysis, Blog Samples)

  • The interpretation of print journalism in Nixon, All the President's Men and Newsroom interested me in print journalism.
  • The reporting that was shown in all three of the programs sparked my interest in the field of journalism itself, specifically print journalism. 
  • The actions taken by reporters for the Washington Post in All the President's Men, was impressive and i want to explore what it would be like to do  in-depth reporting and research similar to what is shown in the film.  
  • In addition, the documentary Nixon illustrated how cut-throat journalism can really be. The documentary also illustrated how there are risks for reporting the truth, if you're reporting on powerful people. 
  • To name a few major aspects of print journalism:
  • Deadlines: deadlines are important in any form of journalism, but specifically print journalism because editing takes time. 
  • Accurate information: spelling and grammar errors, in addition to incorrect information are huge pitfalls to accurate and professional journalism. 


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