Project Selection - My Decision

My Decision 
"This is just the Veganning"

  • I picked the Magazine project because it is more tailored to my strengths, i.e. writing and interviewing.
  • The processed demonstrated in content we watched in class, such as Nixon, All the President's Men, and Newsroom, sparked my interest in reporting. 
  • For my project, i plan on working with a partner, Grace.We intend to publish a magazine about vegan cuisine. 
  • We have decided upon a title of our magazine: "This is just the Veganning", a pun on the saying "this is just the beginning.". I plan to report on vegan eggnog alternatives and review them based on the following criteria:
  • Rating on a scale of 1 to 10:
  • What makes this food different or stand out?
  • Is it appealing?
  • Worth it?:
  • Would i try this again?
  • Affordability: 
  • (self explanatory)
  • The December issue of "This is just the Veganning" will declare the Top Vegan Nog of 2017.  


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