Creative Critical Reflection Draft (1)

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Our magazine "This is just the Veganning" challenges conventions by being an all-inclusive magazine that reaches out to people of all walks of life to take better care of their bodies. Conventional vegan magazines often focus on vegans and our magazine is more centered around vegan out reach for a greater good. In addition, our magazine addresses the issues of longevity of life in relation to healthy vegan lifestyles, diabetes and other preventable diseases caused by poor eating habits. We are also very vocal about environmental concerns and care about preserving our earth and everything living on it. An obvious pool of social groups represented by "This is just the Veganning" are the vegan and vegetarian communities, and individuals interested in health and wellness. Our magazine also represents the everyday american in pursuit of better health and bodies. 


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