Research on Print Publications 1

Traditional distribution models can be utilized to distribute our magazine "This is Just The Veganning".

 The magazine distribution service "NDA" provides daily service to 8,000 retail and 2,000 specialty outlets. They are experts in retail sales and NDA drivers make secure in-store deliveries. NDA is accurate, reliable and cost effective. Operating out of five distribution centers, NDA is able to maximize sales in commuter locations and the geographic footprint of the magazine distribution company is unmatched by any other. They match the periodical mix of mass market, ethnic, special interest and so forth to the needs of each retailer's audience. NDA would greatly benefit "This is just the Veganning" by outreaching to vegans and healthy eaters through their five wide spread distribution services. Also, their commitment to diversifying audiences and attention to detail is essential in the distribution of our magazine. In addition, NDA's Marketing and Sales staff work the field everyday to make sure all sales are efficient.  


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