Research on Print Publications 2

How the digital distribution of another food magazines is effective and can be applied to our magazine "This is just the Veganning".
The digital distribution of the Food Network Magazine has been proven effective through platforms such as Apple, Nook, Android, and Kindle. Features that keep the Food Network Magazine in circulation are click tags, that allow readers to gain access to articles, videos and other things that are not available in print. In addition a large amount of income is made through add to shopping list links that are in the mobile magazine. On paper, readers don't have access to these automatic shopping lists. With such easy access to make online purchases, the food Network Magazine is getting more money from digital readers tan print readers. The Food Network Magazines online platform allows for more widespread exposure and makes the magazine more accessible. Readers can access the magazine on tablets, laptops, desktops and mobile devices, which in this day and age, proves to be more effective in marketing and exposure of the magazine.
Digital Edition


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